Looking up a map online to see which way to push the walls is really about the same degree of cheating so clearly it's not a real foolproof design. I'd rather grind for XP in an RPG than replay the same thing due to something I could never have possibly known about without trail and error or outside help beforehand. Repeating the level is one thing, but replaying practically the entire game because of one stupid programming middle finger is not what I'd call a worthwhile part of gameplay. So it's an intential way of extending the playtime artificually without making the game any longer. And they levels don't HAVE to REQUIRE the keys to win. The walls can clearly be programmed to not push from certain sides to prevent this. The save system could've been altered to only allow for saves between levels. So when I covered up the key I didn't think anything of it and saved after that, not realizing that they didn't learn their lesson from the previous game and made the level completely unbeatable.

Not the one I started in, but a fake one to trick me into thinking I found the end. I only saved because I thought I was done with the level, only to find that the elevator I went into was a fake. So if you care about getting a high score you'd better reset instead. It comes at the cost of all your current points, though. I'm late to this party but had this issue and apparently hitting the I, L, and M keys at the same time will give you full health, ammo, and keys. Unfortunately, only the wiki has mission 2 and 3 maps which are quite confusing at first glance. Pro tip - Pushwalls move two tiles the direction they are pushed.Ĭheck for really nice Wolf3D and SoD mission 1 maps. I'm fairly sure there are level skip cheats, among many other cheats. The Pushwalls for these maps are outlined in white. I found this in a matter of seconds using a "Wolfenstein Mission 2 Return To Danger wiki" search. These are interesting concepts compared to ya know, cutscene QTEs

There are some other areas that can trap the player in a room by pushing the incorrect walls. I respect this game for having a feature that can end your game by trapping you. That's par for the course on older games :D That really helps with the pushwall parts. I did use online resources for maps though. I completed the entire SoD and Wolf3D without cheats. I methodically save my game while finishing a level, and starting a new one. Can't say the same for Wolfenstein the New Season Pass, (cough) I meant the New Colossus :P Thankfully, New Order and Old Blood are solid one honest price products. I prefer the actual gameplay time > animated movie cutscenes for $60 + DLC + DLC + DLC + DLC + DLC + DLC.